Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Aku Ingin Berubah.... Tapi....

Assalamualaikum, how nice to meet you guys again...

This time its about change. How bout mutation? sounds scientific haha...Ok straight to the point. Everyone needs to change, change to be better then before. I'm included. Can be said at least once a week I think about improving myself to become a better person. I would like to try to do more good deeds rather than wasting my time watching movies or playing game. But then, the first step and the consistency is the most crucial part for most people.

This days I try to pray 'Jemaah' with my friends and also go to the mosque. Well I also wanted to be like my old self where I once wake up early in the morning before fajar for my night prayers and also 'Jemaah' for subuh at the mosque but well that was what I meant CONSISTENCY is the most hardest part in my life.

There are some parts of me that improve and also getting worse. When I think about the bad part of my living and personality makes me lack of morale to become a leader.(this include being a brother,son and future husband). Usually I always think like 'Oh I don't want to play games today' but then suddenly I was like 'Oh, its ok. Once awhile' but then its like going on and on.. haha.. worse...  Well anyway, time will tell. Maybe one day I'll get some guidance. There's a video that I would like to show and promote. Its not my video thou and my friend from Kedah, Hazim Fadli share with me. Sorry cause it is in Malay. Anyway enjoy ^^, 

Here is another video that my American friend Mohammed Faliq share with me. Hope it will make us remember that death does't wait for someone to change. Better change now.

How you find it? Not bad I would say. Alright till we meet again on the next issue ^^,

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Flirting 'AWEKS' behind our house

Assalamualaikum, today's topic is about my new family.

Well lately I tried to flirt some of the ladies behind my house. There are twins, a widow and her 3 gurls, and also a pregnant mom. All of them are adorable. Cute and sexy I would say. Well it takes time for me to know and touch them. They surely are shy except for the twins. haha... Alright here are some of the pictures I took. Enjoy ^^,

that is not my mother

OH no the gangster appear
Give me food!!

how to climb up?

Help me please!

I'll keep an eye of u brother.

Ohh wats that?

ahh.. just food

ohh.. we are starving

Ahh.. the twins came.

At last.. food!!

I think I just eat the leaves.

hmm smells nice

ergh.. I'm getting dizzy

She's exhausted 

 Let me introduce you the Twins are the orange colour cat. There are two but I just took one only. The 3 kittens that I'm not sure their gents. Just assume they are gurls hehe. There are actually two gangster. Another one is a black colour cat. He looks better then this one.

I can only touch them while they eat. Only the twins already use to me. Although they still likes to bit my hand. One day I will surely get the kittens get use to me ^^,

That's all for now. Till we meet again next time. Pray for me on my Final Exams ^^,

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Why I reject Love

There was a manga that I recently read and still reading it. It was very exciting. Yeah I know...although it was a lovey dovey story plot it excites me. The story was not too complicated.

The story is about a girl that is trying to learn about love and it was funny and awesome in some parts (for my taste that is). As I go on to the story I realise some part of the story that is what I always did when I have crush with someone that is. 'Yeah, I guess I was wrong about that' and 'I don't care about her any more'. (It was meant for me when I think I love someone)

Well maybe the part that I don't care any more is a bit different. I still care her as a friend that is I don't want to see her sad or in trouble. The point is that, this is how I reject my feelings of loving someone. The question is WHY??? 

Today's topic is actually about reflecting on myself on why I refuse to fall in love to people...

Love is something precious and a give from ALLAH to his creatures and we must appreciate it. It's not that I denied it or refuse it. It is because I feel that I don't really know what love is. (It is not that I am lack of love malay said 'kurang kasih sayang') no its not. It is because I thought that I did't really feel the love of ALLAH and the Prophet Muhammad s.w.t. and what is the base of loving someone if I does not know the love of ALLAH?

I pray, recite Quran, try to do good deeds and avoid bad things but yet I did't really consistent and sincerely doing it. I was blind with the world. (games,fun,friends,animals) but why did't I really go into it?? (sincerely praying)??

These are what people usually said lack of iman. Yes teenagers these days lack of iman. They just know how to enjoy or make money or maybe boicot or hate someone or some people without trying to reflect on themselves. Yes that is what I saw in myself. I need to be a better person first before I am able to love someone that is I need to love ALLAH first before others but yet I still did't try it.

Yes, the solution is Istiqomah where I need to constant doing good deeds and do what ALLAH told to do. And yes again that it was very hard to do. Whatever.. anyway I am still trying to find the mood or someone to encourage me. sometimes being with your friends can make you better. That is what I'm trying to do bit sometimes I think like 'Well I think I am better living alone' or 'Fine, I don't want to trouble myself just because of love to human'... hehe.. sound sad was't it? well just hoping I would change that cause most of my friends and family scold and lectured me when I said that.

That's it for my expression of feelings when I read that Manga when the statement of letting go of someone... hehe. Hopefully this matters does not come out again cause I a phantom... ^^,

Monday, December 24, 2012

BBQ time

Well, we meet again. This time it's bbq time. Since its study week and we kind of thinking that we need some refreshment. So we decided to have a bbq at our house (Muzaffar Shah). We did't really plan it properly before hand but only 2 days before it happens that was on Sunday 23/12/2012.

 Waiting for the chicken and burger to be grilled was tense (cause we need to control our hunger not to take one). The hardest part was the time we start the fire. The coal was very small not the big type.

can see those tasty legs?
 Well home made from Latif chicken grill.
We put what ever things that we can put in it that
seems nice and delicious.
visitor from ttu

acting only...
 We even invited one of our friend from Taman Tasik Utama since he was alone at home (the others went back home since it was study week).
rebut semua rebut!
bon appetite

a hungry fox

dah kenyang dah?
 That's all. hope you guys enjoy it. Not that much and interesting thou...

Sunday, December 23, 2012

DOTA 2 Newbie

After soo long, well it seems like 3 years I did't update my blog. Well today topic is about GAME!!
(Drow Ranger,  Bloodseeker, Morphling, Lina)

Well I just started playing DOTA 2 cause one of my besties just recently started playing it (even though he did't actually really play dota). He said this one is different then dota cause the graphic was better then dota and the buttons and items are more systematic (even for me dota player did't really mind). 

My first hero in DOTA
Alright the main point is that to get use to DOTA 2 for DOTA players is not actually very hard, might be because we already know the items and the heroes skills. We just need to get use to the graphic, designs, buttons for skills, some items name and some other things that I'm not sure what bugs me. The first time I play it I could not get use to deny and farming like I always do in DOTA cause the health bar did not differentiate between health that getting low (it means the colour that usually change from green -> yellow -> red in DOTA). Well I tried to get use to it.

So for conclusion, I think that DOTA 2 is not that bad, the buttons for skills and items are easier,items is easy to buy(just need to get use). but it does't mean that DOTA is bad. NO its not. DOTA is great too. I prefer the heroes design in DOTA. It is more smart and looks realistic in its own way.

Alright, that's it for now since it is the latest one and can be said the new post since 3 years ago. Till we meet again  ^^,

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

MyEm0.comari ni daku gi tmn daye n johor jaye...

get ready document2 utk matrik lah... aku msti ar gi ngan afiq haha... sblm 2 shazwan izhar ade ajak kuar but SORI BYK2... nak kene siapkan bnde ni dulu ar... n tkut kite ganggu die... so plan nak ajak bdk lain agi but... mcm bdk lain dah siap je...(nak ajak fadz or capeek)... pagi tu leh jam luar biase lak... bingit tol... so aku gi arr amek afiq kat tmn u... tu yg pikir mcm nak ajak fadz but... tak ya lah ahakz...


first time aku kene saman... kuang asam tol lah... pas gi office ayah aku aku gi ar kedai2 kat tmn daya...parking kat dpn kodak...aku parking ikut kete lain ar (parking serong)... but kotak die mmg pelek...bkn serong... so pas aku gi amek gmbr n afiq cuci gmbar kite gi bsn kat seberang jalan.. seronoknye FIRST TIME wat bank account sndiri n dpt pgg card atm haha... so pas blk dari bsn tu, afiq perasan ade ketas pink kat dpn kete...cial tol lah blh dpt saman lak... maknenye kete yg byk2 parking serong t kene sman gak ar ni...RM 30 LAK TU... kalo ade 10 kete kene sman tak mcm RM 300 LAK DIORG DPT...ish ish...

                                                    pas dapat surat tukar no pin hehe...

                                                        hehe first time cocok n tukar pin...

pastu gi sek.lak...

jmpe ar mudirah...hehe... aku nye buku sbnrnye tak suruh dpt pengesahan pengetua...but amek je sbgai lgkah jage2... afiq nye yg tulis kene pengesahan... aku nye saksi n penjamin dah ciap... mase gi office ayah aku tadi dah beres...anak saksi aku tu pon gi matrik gak...ramai kwn ayah aku anak die dpt johor... saksi aku tu lak name die hassan bin ahmad...ayah aku hassan norrasim blh thn lak diorg ni hehe... anak saksi aku tu lak mcm aku kenal...kwn sek. rndah aku... sbb name die nazeerah... tak silap aku lah sbb die dok uda n pnah sek uda 2 haha... lame tak nmpk die...dah tggi ke blm hehe... slalu gak aku ngan izereen kacao die hehe... ops terlari topoc lak haha... then pas dpt cop2 mudirah tu bebual lah ngan ckgu2 kecayangan... ckgu saleha, ckgu hamizah,cikgu raudah, cikgu Kamaliah... nak tgo ckgu nooriyatimah but die mcm biase busy giler haha... smpt gak aku tego ustz syed... but dari jauh arr... mmg macho lg ar ustz syed... gua respect...

last thing...

beli setem lak kat giant... aku dah ade setem hasil... afiq je nak beli.... tggu nak dkt 1 jam lbh kat giant tu... nsb baek sblh pos tu ade kedai electonic... bkk tv cite fantastic 4 lak tu... dpt gak layan citer tu last skali aku antar afiq balek..baru kol aku n afiq lepak arr umah SWAN yg dah lame tak dikunjung... bebual lah ngan die smpai leteh hehe... OK SAPE NAK BELI BAJU BATCH BARU LEH TGK KAT ALUMNI SMKAJB KAT BHGIAN BATCH...okok aku dah promote hehe...

so dah abes jln2 lgi lah ari ni... cume pnt tggu ar haha... 

mgkn ni last gi sek buat bulan ni hehe...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

futsal last ku bln ni huhu... jadi driver lagi haha...

ok ari last kitorang main futsal same2 bulan ni...tak tau bile lagi dpt main same2...huhu.. aku mcm biase arr...amek bdk2 ni... starting aku amek awang then amek afiq... kali ni aku kene amek afiq kat umah die sbb pttnye smlm aku aku amek die kat umah die mlm2 sbb die bru balek dari kl... then aku pnt giler n tertido... so aku amek die pgi2 lah... then kitrg tggu hazrin, n beckam kat angsana...oleh sbb kitorg dtg awal cikit... ok2 mcm awal sgt.. pkl 10 dah kat angsana...kitorg lepak kat suare ok... luar angsana lar dekat ngan bus stop...lmbt sgt tuggu kitorg main kencing pakai kard troup lah hehe...tak mcm segan lak kan org lalu tgk kitorg main hehe... 

ok dah leh gerak dah...

beckam n ain dah smpai kitrg pgilah appolo...dah smpai sane kitrg gak lah yg 1st smpai... ade lah lbh krg kol 10.45...tggu nye tggu yg smpai pastu jajan ngan adek die...adek die blaja arab kat futsal sbb esk nak pekse arab haha...tibe2 dpt pgglin dari irshad... irshad ngan khai ACCIDENT... kitorg ingat die main2 then... izzat lak tepon... kalo izzat pon ckp acccident so percaye lah ktrg...ingat nk lawat dulu tapi izzat n irshad suruh main dulu... dah main bru lawat... ok lah...

bermule lah permainan...

kali ni meon main tak pakai supporter... team die bleh kalah lak...siot lah... aku plak dlm team die... tu lah HUDA ko nye psl kitorg kalah haha...pekjo ari ni main melayang-layang... tergolek sane terplanting sini...trok gak haha...tapi die ok je... cedere ckit je...cian die...ari ni main stu jam je kire ok gak lah...main 3 team ok lah tu...pnt gak...tapi aku mcm TAK PUAS...haha...

mase tok melawat...

kitorg gerak lah gi hospital sltan aminah...dah penat lmbe2 ngan meon smpai gak... nsb baek takde yg accident lgi haha...smpai sane dapt amek khai je... si penyu tu ntah cengkerang die pecah ke retak... khai ckp makcik irshad bwk die gi hsptl pakar... so mcm tak serious sgt je... pastu kite mkn kt tmpt biase 'kelape' or 'grg pisang' haha...kat situ lah khai mule bercerite... cian kasut baru khai... sbelah je lawa...sblh lg koyak rabak... moto lak hancur...daoakn lah khai n irshad selamat dah lepak dkt 1 jam lbh kitrg pon berpecah...tggl yg tmpg aku tadi n amer miftah...

gi angsana lagi...

pas solat kat angsana main bwling lgi ar...beckam die blk ngan mak tak join main lah...sblm 2 ade lar sorg rakn kite tepon.. SAKINAH call.. doakan die lah moge2 dpt lepas interview maktab nnt...20 ari bulan tak silap aku...bfk lain yg interviw maktab capeek 14 ari bulan,piqa 5 ari bulan, n azim...tak ingat lak bile hehe...then main bwling, amer tak main sbb die dah pnt giler... so antare 5 org yg main ni aku afiq pekjo ain n awang... korg rase sape yg plg tggi kptsn die... ssh nak jagke tau...haha... pas main mkn lah kat bwh... mmg dah lapa giler dah... tgh2 mkn terusha satu pompan... aku mcm pnah nmpak so aku ckp kat awang bdk tu cari aku haha... awang ckp tu sedare die hoho... then afiq toleh ckit je... bdk tu mcm excited... rupenye kawan afiq lah kat asat... btl lah aku mcm pnah nmpak... aku ingat pompan tu je nizra name diberi pnh tanye afiq hehe...terkejut gak aku sbb die tggl kat pontian...jauh gak dtg... ade lg satu arr mmber afiq, laki2 tak tau arr diorg sedare ke, sepupu ke, pacaran ke...huhu...

balek lah kite....

masalah ckit nk blk ni...nak antar pekjo kat majidee...then ain kat perling...n afiq kat pulai...tak mcm pusing satu jb lak haha... pas antar ain baru solat asar kat kip mart...mase tu dah nak kol 7 hehe...sgaje aku bwk awang jln2 last2 bru antar die blek...smpt gak ar solat maghrib kat umah...

smpai umah mak n ayah aku bru blk dari spore beli baju n suar tok matrik nnt...woo... ade sale lah tu..aku dah pnt nak try2 bju... tepakse gak try sbb mak aku suruh haha... nsb baek muat... satu suar je die tersilap amek... saiz 31... mak aii... mane aku muat...then mlm 2 tido mmg nyenyak ar...PENAT GILER...

emmm.... tu je adventure aku kali ni...

pape soalan tanye je aku haha...